Once upon a time, I started high school. Tomorrow, it will be over.
I'm thrilled, because new adventures are coming, but one word resume how I feel right now.
Here's a couple of photos of my five years of high school! Much love :)
Breakfast at Cora Déjeuner with my class. June 11
Festival des mongolfières de Gatineau (google it). Sept 10
PN Rockfest - Silverstein. June 10
By Ward Market. May 10
UOttawa Theater Mini-Course. May 10
Regional Champs. April 10
Fountain in Portugal. March 10
Local Bands Show. October 09
Girls Night. October 09
PN Rockfest. June 09
Volleyball team. January 09
School. October 08
Pre Bal (pre prom?). May 11
Top of the Rock, NY. April 11
Brooklyn Bridge, NY. April 11
Angélique's birthday. December 10
Cabane à sucre (google it). March 11
Class of 2011 :)
I'm happy to share this with you lovely readers :)